Weight loss Centers for slimming, diets and nutrition in Westlake Village, California, United States of America

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Weight Loss Physicians, Doctors, Clinics, and Nutritionists for Weightloss and Weight Control in Westlake Village, California


Lindora Clinic - Personalized Weight Management - It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle. At Lindora Clinic, we think differently about weight management. And we help you do the same.
Diets fail because they don't teach you how to make the necessary changes that make a real difference. But Lindora Clinic is different.
Our Lean for Life® program works because it’s comprehensive and clinically proven—integrating Medical Supervision, Lifestyle Focus, Nutrition Education and One-on-One Nurse Coaching. And it’s all guided by our friendly staff of expert clinicians who get to know you as a person, focusing on the underlying physical and psychological reasons for your struggle with weight - Westlake Village, CA