Weight Loss Centers for slimming, diets and nutrition in Oakland, California, United States of America

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Weight Loss Physicians, Doctors, Clinics, and Nutritionists for Weightloss and Weight Control in Oakland, California


Alba Bates Summit Medical Center - Bariatric Surgery Program (Weight Loss Surgery) If you are one of the 9 million severely obese Americans who have little hope of losing weight and keeping it off, then you may be a candidate for our surgical weight-loss program. We offer innovative surgical procedures including Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Laparoscopic Adjustable Band, and Sleeve Gastrectomy, performed by our experienced medical team in our Oakland facilities, conveniently located in the San Francisco East Bay area - Oakland, CA

Curves Oakland, CA - Dimond District - Curves works because it gives you a complete cardio and strength-training workout in just 30 minutes, where you can burn up to 500 calories every time. The circuit is made up of resistance machines that work every major muscle group, two muscles at a time. And with a circuit coach to teach and motivate, you’re sure to reach your fitness goals in no time. Whether you want to lose weight and inches, gain energy or tone up, the Curves circuit will work for you - Oakland, CA

Curves Oaklcand, CA - Rockridge - Welcome to Curves of Rockridge We provide our members with a fun, convenient, comfortable environment where you will find all the support you need to meet your goals. The Curves Work-out takes just 30 minutes and includes all the components needed for a complete exercise program - warm-up, cardiovascular, strength training, cool down, and stretching. Give us a call to learn more or email us - Oakland, California

Jenny Craig - The first step of your Jenny Craig Program is to meet with your program director (either in-person at a local centre, or over the phone with Jenny Craig At Home). We start by reviewing your YourStyle® Profile – a simple but powerful tool that identifies your personal eating style, activity stage and weight loss mindset. We use the results of the YourStyle® profile to customize our program to be most effective for you. We'll also do an initial weigh-in and take your measurements - Oakland, California

Living Lean by Sheena - Are you looking for an Exercises Program that goes beyond the class itself? Here at Living Lean we understand that fitness is a process. That’s why we’ve designed a fully customizable nutrition and exercise program, which makes that process as efficient and enjoyable as possible. So, whatever you next fitness goal may be, we can help you get there - Oakland, CA

Sunrise Health Medical Group - Welcome to our web site and thanks for considering us. Please note that your health insurance may pay some or all of our fees. In addition, because we are licensed physicians, current tax laws usually allow you to deduct some or all of the costs of our treatment for your weight problem - Concord, Lafayette, Hayward, Oakland y Pleasanton, California