Weight loss Centers for slimming, diets and nutrition in Fullerton, California, United States of America

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Weight Loss Physicians, Doctors, Clinics, and Nutritionists for Weightloss and Weight Control in Fullerton, California


Curves - CurvesSmart™ is here! A new system that accesses YOUR data to give you instant feedback while exercising! Track your heart rate, speed of movement, repetitions, resistance, calories burned and more! Monitors flash green if you're matching expectations, yellow if you need to step up your pace, red when your time is up. Click here to watch a video and learn how CurvesSmart will motivate you every time you work out! - Fullerton, CA

Jenny Craig - The first step of your Jenny Craig Program is to meet with your program director (either in-person at a local centre, or over the phone with Jenny Craig At Home). We start by reviewing your YourStyle® Profile – a simple but powerful tool that identifies your personal eating style, activity stage and weight loss mindset. We use the results of the YourStyle® profile to customize our program to be most effective for you. We'll also do an initial weigh-in and take your measurements - Fullerton, California

Lindora Clinic - Personalized Weight Management - At Lindora Clinic, we think differently about weight management. And we help you do the same.
Diets fail because they don't teach you how to make the necessary changes that make a real difference. But Lindora Clinic is different.
Our Lean for Life® program works because it’s comprehensive and clinically proven—integrating Medical Supervision, Lifestyle Focus, Nutrition Education and One-on-One Nurse Coaching. And it’s all guided by our friendly staff of expert clinicians who get to know you as a person, focusing on the underlying physical and psychological reasons for your struggle with weight - Fullerton, CA