Weight Loss Centers for slimming, diets and nutrition in Banning, California, United States of America

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Weight Loss Physicians, Doctors, Clinics, and Nutritionists for Weightloss and Weight Control in Banning, California


Curves - Curves works because it gives you a complete cardio and strength-training workout in just 30 minutes, where you can burn up to 500 calories every time. The circuit is made up of resistance machines that work every major muscle group, two muscles at a time. And with a circuit coach to teach and motivate, you’re sure to reach your fitness goals in no time. Whether you want to lose weight and inches, gain energy or tone up, the Curves circuit will work for you - Banning, CA

Dance Fitness - Dance Fitness is a locally owned and operated Zumba Studio in the Pass Area (Calimesa, Beaumont, Banning, Cabazon), is a fun and unique fitness studio that offers Zumba classes for all ages and fitness levels without the hassle of a lengthy contract or gym membership.
Zumba® Fanatics achieve long-term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exciting hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life!
- Banning, California

Inshape Medical Clinic - The inshape Medical Clinic weight control program is specially created and individually designed to help you achieve the "shape" of your dreams--or return to the shape of former years. It is a physician supervised program with professional guidance aimed at helping you achieve your own healthy lifestyle change. - Banning, California

Teddy Serena - Nutricionist - Banning, CA